
oh, how everyone changed as the time ticked by.
sometimes we lose some of the good we had without ourselves knowing,
but who are we to judge if we aren't perfect ourselves.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

hi everyone in the world.

saw this blog today and found these pictures!!

super cute right!!!!! i was like OMG they're damm cute.
anw, have vocals tmr and shall be thick skinned and ask laoshi if i can still join the crew withour Project UP.
also, i wanna show everyone my amateur art piece for VA exhibition sometime soon.
it's ALMOST done so wait up when it's really finished i'll post it up for you!

anw, in AJC, by facilitating FOL you get this GOOD STUDENT NOTICE from the VP. i got it today from mdm han and wanted to laugh my head off. in ccks i MIGHT have been a good student, but in AJC, no way. hahahhahhaha.
i was laughing abt it the entire day esp about the parts where everybody can't believe that im a "good" student.

anw, that's all i'll say for now.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


seems like i've been neglecting you~~
some stuff recently so read headers!

got back pw results yesterday. got a B so i was kinda like whatever since there's nothing much i can do about it.
don't think too much though. i'm not upset or anything.

was early for k hiphop yesterday. AGAIN. super early~~
so ended up talking to laoshi, carmen and jojo. :D
then, laoshi mentioned if i wanted to join PROJECT U.P. cycle 2. i want to, but~~~ can't dance that well~~~
if not i confirm join de. hahahhahahhahhaha. wanna join CJ Crew~~
anw, might be joining a competition for vocals again so hope by then i'm no longer nervous~~
love CJSOPA~~ saranghae~~